#Ruby on Rails Blog tag archive

Introducción a Eager Loading Associations

Eager loading es una técnica utilizada en Rails para cargar en memoria asociaciones de Active Record de manera anticipada, evitando el problema de N + 1 queries. Este problema ocurre cuando, al cargar una colección de […]

Max ·
4 October, 2024

Configuring Subdomains Made Easy with Kamal

Until recently, deploying a dockerized application seemed like a daunting task. Fortunately, this has changed thanks to Kamal, a tool specifically designed to streamline the deployment of web applications through a simple yet efficient workflow. At Unagi, we’ve […]

Nico ·
8 August, 2024

Ruby on Rails Tip: Simplifying Route Searches

Did you know Ruby on Rails provides a couple of parameters for rails routes that will maximize your productivity? Let’s see how it works. Grep through Rails Routes You can grep through Rails routes with the `-g` option, […]

GG ·
5 August, 2024

Template variants in Ruby on Rails

Were you aware of template variants in Ruby on Rails? It’s an option that the method render provides and can be used in our controllers to deal with customized layouts or views. Let’s see how it works with […]

GG ·
5 August, 2024

Exploring ActiveSupport::Configurable in Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails offers a wide range of tools and modules to make application development more efficient and structured. One of these modules is ActiveSupport::Configurable, which provides an elegant approach to handling configurations in our classes. What […]

GG ·
2 August, 2024

Testing Broadcasts in Hotwire

One of the things I like most about Hotwire is the ability to change the elements of different sessions through broadcasts. We could already do this with ActionCable and some JavaScript, but thanks to Hotwire, we […]

Nico ·
31 July, 2024

Cuando las empresas de tecnología pierden el foco

Estoy fascinado con el rumbo que está tomando la comunidad de Ruby on Rails. La incorporación de Turbo 8, Hotwire, Solid Cache, Js No Build, y esta idea del One Person Framework, demuestran un enfoque claro […]

Nico ·
30 July, 2024

Subdominios y rutas en Ruby on Rails

En este artículo te voy a contar cómo podríamos resolver de manera muy sencilla el manejo de subdominios en una aplicación Ruby on Rails. El problema Imaginemos que desarrollamos una aplicación de venta de libros de recetas de “Cómo […]

Nico ·
30 July, 2024

Diferencia entre let y let!

¿Sabías que let y let! no son lo mismo? A simple vista pueden parecerlo, pero no lo son y en este artículo te voy a explicar las principales diferencias. La respuesta corta es que let carga el […]

Clari ·
29 July, 2024
Let's talk!