To write is to think, beyond code and design
Your business is a marathon, not a sprint
We’ve set our eyes on the horizon and prioritize long-term thinking, that’s why we write everything down. We want your biz to be here forever (with or without us)
We give a 💩
We put 100% into everything we do. We provide the know-how needed to address your goals and expect you to act like a student: Never feel old enough to ask questions, never think you know too much to learn something new
It’s a journey, not a destination
We see software development as a path to live better. That’s why we promote collaborative work, think out of the box, accept we don’t have all the answers, and have fun!
Communicate, communicate, communicate
Can you think of over-communication? Well, we communicate more than that and take nothing for granted. We talk without hiding behind buzzwords to make us sound smart and be sure what we say is what we do
Optimized for async
We’ve been working successfully with clients from all kinds of timezones. That’s only possible because our methodologies promote asynchronous work and respect everyone’s time (mental and zone)
We are a draft
We know we could always be better, so we are eager to learn. We walk steadily with what we know now, what we’ve learned from the past, and seek for new ideas for the future